Tuesday 1 March 2011

Work/Life Balance

Most of us work. Most of us hate it. Most of us feel we have no real choice but to endure it.

Nigel Marsh's video (below)  is very entertaining and insightful, but in my view it's light on techniques. As I often say "where's the beef?"

I work a lot with clients who are struggling to balance work and private life and i have a raft of techniques we use to bring lasting relief from crippling workloads, chaotic work-places, nightmare bosses, and corporate game-playing.

If you're ready to make changes, there is a lot of free advice in my corporate coaching sub-site. If you're ready to work with me you can start today for just £10 by booking an initial consultation.

Did you watch the video? Do you see what I mean?  He's one smart cookie - insights to make you smile - but few techniques. Beyond making tiny investments to change my working life, I don't see what he's saying we should do. I don't know what to get up and do - or do differently. (Well, buy his book, I guess).

Well, unless you have a better option - why not booking an initial consultation? It's very likely the start of dramatically improving your working life!

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